Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment, but like a lot of other artist/illustrators on Instagram, Inktober is either a really fun and creative outlet with prompts that can make you think and push yourself outside your comfort zone, or it’s a 31 day prison assignment. If you simply don’t take part in it, then you might feel like you’ve excluded yourself from a very hip society that is celebrating all month long without you before depositing your empty creative–less soul outside in the cold just as winter arrives. Okay, so maybe I’m feeling a bit jaded.
Inktober is the brainchild of artist and robot lover Jake Parker. Every year since 2009, thousands of artists draw specifically with ink; e.g., pens, markers, and various other tools for the entire month of October as a collective artistic zeitgeist that has spawned similar events throughout the year (MerMay, Junicorn, March of the Robots). Jake provides one word prompts for each day, but artists are free to indulge in their own interests as well, the ubiquitous hashtag “inktober” being the glue that binds them all together. Last year I created my own parameters by mashing up suggestions from my Instagram followers and cherry picking them with various Jim Henson related characters. In general, Inktober has been a wellspring of opportunity for fan artists to showcase their love of the Muppets specifically, and this year will be no different.
Miss Piggy as Captain Marvel, 2020